PiCROSS media

product image management

The way products are presented is the key to sales success. A consistent, cohesive product image inspires customer trust and strengthens the brand’s reputation.

about the system

Applications of class: Dynamic Publishing, Database Publishing, and Cross Media Publishing.

PiCROSS media is a solution that enables the complete process of retrieving information from data management systems, XML files, and databases and transforming them into materials ready for printing or publishing on the Internet (Cross Media Publishing). PiCROSS media automates and streamlines the entire process of creating publications (Dynamic Publishing) based on a large amount of data, providing significant long-term savings.plikacja klas: Dynamic Publishing, Database Publishing i Cross Media Publishing.

PiCROSS media jest rozwiązaniem umożliwiającym przeprowadzenie pełnego procesu pobierania informacji z systemów zarządzania danymi, plików XML oraz baz danych i przekształcania ich w materiały gotowe do druku lub publikowania w Internecie (Cross Media Publishing).
PiCROSS media automatyzuje i usprawnia cały proces tworzenia publikacji (Dynamic Publishing) opartych na dużej ilości danych, zapewniając znaczne oszczędności w perspektywie długookresowej.


In order to generate any material, such as a product card, you need to prepare templates defining the appearance of each page and specify the method of retrieving product data for them, which will be included in the resulting publication. Information about products can come from databases, XML files, and WebServices.

The structure of the material generated by the application (content, layout) can be fully dynamic, as subsequent pages are filled with data as they ‘come’ from external sources. It is also possible to intervene in the process and modify the order of templates or data.

Based on the defined structure, the application ‘builds’ subsequent pages using the appropriate templates and fills them with data retrieved from the specified sources.


  • Visualization of content in various formats
  • Intuitive WYSIWYG editor for designing and generating various types of publications. It allows the creation of custom page and document templates (collections of pages) where formatting and the type of retrieved data are defined.
  • Creation and generation of multi-page publications, where the final result (e.g., the number of pages) depends on both the data and the person creating the publication. In this mode, the publication designer works with the actual appearance and number of pages (analogous to, for example, Adobe InDesign).
  • Plugins for desktop publishing programs such as Adobe InDesign and QuarkXPress, enabling the generation of documents and publications created in PiCROSS design from within these programs. Materials generated in this way have a format corresponding to the respective desktop publishing program and can be edited in it.
  • Management of user accounts, projects, and application server settings.

sample features

  • Client-server architecture: scalability, performance, stability
  • Ability to work as a server, service, batch file, library, portal engine
  • Standard data access: SQL and XPath syntax
  • Retrieval of data from multiple sources (database, XML document, WebService)
  • Generation of templates/documents prepared in PiCROSS media format into various formats: PDF, HTML, Image, IND, QXP
  • No need for server installation for generation (compliance with InDesign and QuarkXPress license rules)
  • Interactive HTML (JavaScript)
  • PrePrint options for PDF
  • Generation in X1a and X3 modes
  • Remote access to images (link, URL, WebService)
  • No limitations on the size of the used XML file (no memory overflow)
  • Single-pass generation
  • Support for multiple generations simultaneously
  • Responsiveness
  • Ability to use external CSS definitions (including CSS3)
  • Calculation of element sizes on pages at the time of creation (depending on content, size, and position equal to the final – enabling dynamic sizing and wrapping)
  • Native support for tables (including options such as multicolumn layout, headers, and footers) – replication of various table variations


one template, thousands of product cards – ensures a consistent image while maintaining diverse content and saving time


diversity of formats, flexibility of distribution channels – pdf, html, print…


technical specification, procurement, product cards – all types of documents needed at various levels of the workflow